Friday, January 8, 2010


Yes, I actually published how old I am. My kids keep asking (over and over again) And it made me acutely aware that I remember when my Mom turned 30... something.

This last Christmas we gave the kids a choice between having Santa come, or going to a condo in Elk Meadows (like we did in the Fall). It took them a few days to decide but finally choose to go to the condo. We went up on Christmas Eve and stayed 3 nights. I can't tell you how must stuff we had in the back of the truck. We had the BEST time.

We sledded and snowmobiled, we made cookies and ate tons of snacks, drank Hot Cocoa with snowman shaped marshmallows.

Grandma and Grandpa came up to have Christmas Dinner. They went sledding with us and Grandma fell into some deep snow and got stuck! The kids never missed Santa and decided that we should do something like this every other year.


  1. Hey Carrie, Love your blog. Looks like you had a great Christmas. How are you? I'm adding you to my list on my blog. That will help me keep in touch a lot better. It's always fun to see what everyone has been up to. Hope you and your family are doing well. Our address is Take care and keep in touch, Nat

  2. P.S. I also remember when my parents were in their 30's and I thought they were old. But I'm right there with birthday is the week after yours and I am also going to be 32. So Crazy!

  3. Just so you know, I am sitting here WITH MOM looking at these pictures......all I can tell you is...YOU ARE IN SOOOOOOO MUCH TROUBLE! Glad it is FINALY you and not me!
