Monday, April 6, 2009

Cherries Jubilee

Yes, that dessert is flaming!!!

My Friend Laura came to our house from Richfield for Conference weekend and while we were planning what we wanted to do, it came up that she had always wanted to set a dessert on fire. One of three desserts, Cherries Jubilee was our final choice. So we wrote out our list got the kids in the car and headed for the store. Now for anyone that doesn't know, for a dessert to flame, you have to have alcohol, and for anyone who is not from Utah, to get alcohol, you have to go to the state liquor store. So off we head to the State Liquor Store with all our kids in tow. I was too much of a chicken to go in, so I stayed out in the car with our kids while she set into the store, came back 10 min later with a small bottle of "very smooth" brandy in hand.
Then we head off to Wal-mart for the rest of the ingredients and then home to make dinner, munchies, and of course - the cherries jubilee. We finally got though dinner and Laura began. As you can see we were well prepared with the fire extinguisher in the background. I decided to be the official photographer and taste-tester.

We lit it and the kids all ooed and ahhed. Then we tried to light it again (just to be sure) and served it over ice cream. It was really tasty, but none of the kids seemed too interested in trying it - I guess fire and ice cream don't mix.